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This Course Bundle consists of 10 courses including Basic Fire Safety Awareness, Behavioural Safety, Electrical Safety, Fire Extinguisher, Fire Marshal, Introduction to Risk Assessment, Manual Handling, Slips, Trips and Falls, Working Safely, and Workplace Health and Safety.
Basic Fire Safety Awareness – Click here to find out more
This course explains, in brief, why fires occur and what actions you must take to help prevent them from starting and the actions you must take when they do. By completing this course you will be making your workplace a safer environment.
Behavioural Safety – Click here to find out more
This course defines behavioural safety and explains the origins of the concept. It covers how it can be implemented in the workplace and some of the potential benefits. It includes analysis of some examples of ‘at risk behaviours’ and some examples of ways you can measure how well your organisation is doing when it comes to safety. Finally, it touches on some of the key laws regarding health and safety in the workplace and how to ensure positive workforce attitudes.
Electrical Safety – Click here to find out more
This course will start by covering the many benefits electricity brings to society, as well as its key components voltage, current and resistance. It will explain the two main types of electricity, cover UK accident and death statistics, and describe a simple way of remembering the electrical hazards. It then goes on to provide basic instructions about how you could safely help someone you suspect has received an electric shock.
Fire Extinguisher – Click here to find out more
Learn how to identify the different types of fire extinguishers that might be installed within your workplace and what situations they might be used in. At the end of the final module, you will be presented with a simulation that will test what you’ve learnt.
Fire Marshal – Click here to find out more
The main outcome of this training course is to provide you with the knowledge to carry out the functions of a fire marshal. – Please note, this course also contains all of the content in the Basic Fire Awareness and Fire Extinguisher courses.
Introduction to Risk Assessment – Click here to find out more
At the end of this course, candidates will have an understanding of what a risk assessment is and how to complete one. To achieve this the course will define important terms, provide some basic background information to explain how important risk assessments are, and discuss some of the legislation that applies. It will then go on to provide practical advice on how to identify hazards and analyse risk before finishing off by explaining the responsibilities of both employers and employees with regard to risk assessment.
Manual Handling – Click here to find out more
This course outlines exactly what constitutes manual handling and covers the regulations and legislation that apply to manual handling tasks. It then goes on to cover safe handling techniques and how to develop good habits in relation to manual handling. It finishes off by introducing some practical solutions and the use of mechanical aids. Important note: Please note that this is an awareness course only, if your duties include manual handling you will also need further practical training, you can get in touch with us to arrange this.
Slips, Trips and Falls – Click here to find out more
This course will introduce you to some of the statistics relating to slips, trips and falls and dispel some of the myths surrounding them. It also touches on the law as it relates to slips, trips and falls. It contains real examples of where things have gone wrong and some practical steps that could have been taken to prevent these incidents. The course also covers some of the straightforward changes that can be made in most businesses to significantly reduce the risk of a slip, trip, or fall incident occurring.
Working Safely – Click here to find out more
Working safely is in the interest and concern of all staff, both employers and employees. Health and safety is one of the few areas where the law places specific duties specifically on employees so knowledge of where this applies and how to ensure that it is adhered to is vital to protect individuals and businesses. The course covers a wide range of topics including fire safety, asbestos awareness, working at height, COSHH, PPE, and electricity. It also covers schemes for improving safety performance and methods of protecting the environment.
Workplace Health and Safety – Click here to find out more
At the end of this course, you will have an understanding of health and safety legislation and you’ll be able to list common causes of accidents. You’ll also be able to understand good practice in relation to electricity and describe the use of safe manual handling techniques as well as be able to describe good practice associated with COSHH regulations, be able to describe your activities in the event of a fire, and also you will know how to deal with an accident.