HOME >> IT CERTIFICATIONS >> >> CompTIA FC0-U61: IT Fundamentals

Duration: 9 Hours 5 Minutes
51 Course Videos
CompTIA FC0-U61: IT Fundamentals

The IT fundamentals course is designed to help anyone learn about the exciting world of IT. It gives candidates the basic IT fundamental skills needed in this industry and is based on different areas of IT, including hardware, software, programming, security, and infrastructure. This is the ideal place to start for anyone new to the world of IT. It will form the foundation of your learning as the information that you learn from this course will carry you forward to any additional certifications you gain in the future.

The IT industry is one of the most lucrative markets to enter. Over the past few decades, the IT industry has exploded in terms of creating new job roles and incorporating IT technologies in everyday use. Studies have shown that the IT industry is growing year on year and many predict that there will be many IT job roles unfilled over the next few years. This course will try to fill in the gaps where IT job roles are needed by giving students their first step towards a career in IT.

The exam also assesses the candidate’s knowledge in the areas of troubleshooting theory and preventative maintenance. This includes looking at the issues behind the problems and resolving them using your technical IT skills. In addition to this, the candidate will have to be able to demonstrate that they can incorporate prevention methods to stop these issues from reoccurring in the future. This is the ideal exam for anyone who’s interested in pursuing an IT career and has a genuine passion for IT.

Course Videos

This course contains the following modules and videos. Click the down arrow to view video details.

  • 0.1 Instructor Intro
  • 1.1 Compare and Contrast Notational Systems
  • 1.1 Compare and Contrast Notational Systems Demo
  • 1.2 Compare and Contrast Fundamentals Data Types and Their Characteristics
  • 1.3 Illustrate the Basics of Computing and Processing
  • 1.4 Explain the Value of Data and Information
  • 1.5 Compare and Contrast Common Units of Measures
  • 1.5 Compare and Contrast Common Units of Measures Demo
  • 1.6 Explain the Troubleshooting Methodology
  • 2.1 Classify Common Types of Input-Output Device Interfaces
  • 2.2 Given a scenario, set up & install Common Peripheral Devices to a PC
  • 2.2 Given a scenario, set up & install Common Peripheral Devices to a PC Demo
  • 2.3 Explain the Purpose of Common Internal Computing Components
  • 2.4 Compare & Contrast Common Internet Service Types-
  • 2.5 Compare & Contrast Storage Types
  • 2.6 Compare & Contrast Common Computing Devices & Their Purposes
  • 2.7 Explain Basic Networking Concepts
  • 2.7 Explain Basic Networking Concepts Part 2
  • 2.7 Explain Basic Networking Concepts Part 3
  • 2.7 Explain Basic Networking Concepts Part 4
  • 2.7 Explain Basic Networking Concepts Demo
  • 2.8 Given a scenario Install, Configure & Secure a Basic Wireless Network
  • 2.8 Given a scenario Install, Configure & Secure a Basic Wireless Network Demo
  • 3.1 Explain the Purpose of Operating Systems
  • 3.1 Explain the Purpose of Operating Systems Demo
  • 3.2 Compare & Contrast Components of an Operating System
  • 3.2 Compare & Contrast Components of an Operating System Demo
  • 3.3 Explain the Purpose & Proper Use of Software
  • 3.4 Explain Methods of Application Architecture & Delivery Models
  • 3.5 Given a Scenario Configure & Use Web Browsers
  • 3.5 Given a Scenario Configure & Use Web Browsers Firefox
  • 3.5 Given a Scenario Configure & Use Web Browsers Demo Chrome
  • 3.5 Given a Scenario Configure & Use Web Browsers Demo Edge
  • 3.6 Compare & Contrast General Application Concepts & Use
  • 4.1 Compare & Contrast Programming Language Categories-
  • 4.2 Given a Scenario Use Programming Organizational Techniques & Interpret Logic-
  • 4.3 Explain the Purpose & Use of Programming Concepts-
  • 4.3 HTML Demo
  • 5.1 Explain Database Concepts and the Purpose of Databases
  • 5.2 Compare and Contrast Various Database Structures
  • 5.3 Summarize Methods Used to Interface with Databases
  • 5.3 Summarize Methods Used to Interface with Databases Demo
  • 6.1 Summarize Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability Concerns
  • 6.2 Explain Methods to Secure Devices and Best Practices
  • 6.3 Summarize Behavioral Security Concepts
  • 6.4 Compare & Contrast Authentication, Authorization, Accounting, & Repudiation Concepts
  • 6.5 Explain Password Best Practices
  • 6.6 Explain Common Uses of Encryption
  • 6.7 Explain Business Continuity Concepts
  • 6.8 Takeaways-
  • 6.9 ITF Fundamentals Conclusion
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