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Duration: 7 Hours 53 Minutes
33 Course Videos
Introduction To Python

Python is developed under an OSI-approved open source license, making it freely usable and distributable, even for commercial use. Python is a general-purpose programming language. Created nearly 30 years ago, it is now one of the most popular languages out there to use. Its popularity is particularly important in the data science and machine learning fields. But it is also a language that is easy to learn, and that is why it has become the language most taught in universities.

Python interpreters are available for the main operating systems as well (Linux, Mac OS, Windows, Android, iOS, BSD, etc.) so it’s very flexible in where it is used. Python has a simple syntax that makes it suitable for learning to program as a first language. The learning curve is smoother than other languages such as Java, which quickly requires learning about Object Oriented Programming or C/C++ that require understanding pointers. Still, it’s possible to learn about OOP or functional programming in Python when the time comes.

Where is Python Used?

  • Web Development, using the frameworks Django, Flask, Pylons
  • Data Science and Visualisation using Numpy, Pandas, and Matplotlib
  • Machine learning with Tensorflow and Scikit-learn
  • Desktop applications with PyQt, Gtk, wxWidgets, and many more
  • Mobile applications using Kivy or BeeWare
  • Education: Python is a great language to learn to program

This course will teach you and show you the basics of Python programming. We will go over concepts like loops, variables, operators, syntax, and coding practices. With each module, we will build upon your knowledge from the previous module. This reinforces all the concepts along the way and at the end of some modules, you will work on exercises to prove to yourself you can do this.

After taking this course you will be ready to move on to a move advanced course allowing you to build on the foundation this course provides. You will be making more sophisticated and more robust programs in no time using your new skills.

For complete information on this certification course, please visit the Python website for details.

Course Videos

This course contains the following modules and videos. Click the down arrow to view video details.

  • Intro to Course and Instructor
  • Getting Started with Python
  • Working with Primitive Data Types
  • Working with Primitive Data Types Part 2
  • Working with Primitive Data Types Part 3
  • Working with Primitive Data Types Part4
  • Working with Primitive Data Types Part4 Answers
  • Working with Multiple Assignments Statements
  • Convert Types in Python
  • Creating Lists
  • Modifying Lists
  • Sorting and Reversing Lists
  • Slicing Lists
  • Working With Operators Part1
  • Working With Operators Part2
  • Working With Operators Part3
  • Determining Operator Precedence
  • Working with IF Statements
  • Working With For Loops
  • Working With While Loops
  • Nesting for Loops
  • Reading Files Part1
  • Reading Files Part2
  • More on Files
  • Merging Emails
  • Reading Console Inputs and Formatting Outputs
  • Reading Command Line Argument
  • Defining Functions
  • Using Default Argument
  • Using Keyword and Positional Arguments
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Using Math and Random Modules
  • Displaying Daytime Working Directory and File Metadata
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