LCOOL Motivational Event - GOAT



(Greatest Of All Time)

Importance of Motivation in managing people in the organization

Motivated + engaged employees = loyal + productive

According to Gallup, whose research efforts lasted 25 years and covered a million employees in all kinds of private and public companies found that:

Motivation and Employee Engagement

Happy employees are more productive

A survey conducted by Gallup measured the responses in correlation to the four business outcomes:

• Profitability
• Productivity
• Employee Retention
• Customer Satisfaction

It was found that

  • Motivated and engaged employees lead to more profitability for establishments. Profitability is not only linked to factors like pricing, positioning, etc. but also to indirect factors directly in control of motivated and engaged employees like negotiating harder on price, turning off more lights and avoiding temptations, etc.
  • Motivated and engaged employees were also found to be more productive.
  • Motivated and engaged employees will stay longer.
  • Research has also found that most often “ EMPLOYEES LEAVE MANAGERS NOT COMPANIES” it was found that employees preferred working for a great manager in an old-fashioned firm, compared to a terrible manager in an enlightened employee-focused culture.
  • Motivated and engaged employees worked for companies where customer satisfaction was higher.

Based on the Above:

Motivation and Employee attitudes:

  • Highly motivated employees seek out opportunities to get the job done.
  • They have a willingness to achieve and a desire to perform efficiently and effectively.
  • A team of highly motivated employees works to benefit a business’s bottom line.
  • Their positive attitudes are infectious and their high productivity is cost-effective; it leads to increased output, revenue, satisfied customers, and proud business owners.

Employees without motivation / poor motivation:

  • Have low self-esteem.
  • Have negative attitudes
  • They drag themselves to work
  • Perform slower without any second thought to the flow-on effects of their inefficiencies.
  • Give lower output which costs money.
  • A de-motivated workforce can significantly impact the reputation of a business,
  • Cause massive upheaval within the working environment and severely impact productivity and time to market.
  • Staff who no longer feel connected to the business or feel as if their input is not valued will very often seek alternative employment.
  • Employee turnover is costly.

Businesses achieve goals with a motivated team

  • When a group of workers approaches tasks with self-belief
  • When they understand the benefits of cooperation and collaboration, they are more likely to work cohesively.

As a result, an organization’s goals can be achieved with greater purpose and ease.

A motivated employee is a productive employee and a productive employee is a more profitable employee.


The Motivational Training Event for Corporates / Institutions

Become THE GOAT – Greatest of All Time!

The most exhilarating Musical thriller would turn your people into daily warriors and take their personal and professional life to great heights.

    It’s fast! It’s furious! It’s unstoppable fun!

It’s the 20/20 live of a high-voltage riotous motivational training event! You bet!

It’s more exciting than a 20/20 cricket match: You bet!

It’s not only highly entertaining and fun: But it also has life’s big message!

What Is ‘Become THE GOAT:

   Greatest Of All Time?’

Greatest Of All Time?’ is a passionate, high-energy, theatrical, dramatic motivational program to pep your people up to up their ante. It’s a kick in the pants that’ll kick up their daily productivity, kick up their income and kick up their future & and kick up your company profits!


• Colorful magical environment • Upbeat raucous, frenzied music • Incantations • Games / Activities • Dance / Energizers • Colorful Motivational takeouts from NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)

How it can be used?

• To get your people to start afresh through the Year with a bang •To give them new empowering feelings of greatness in their personal & professional lives • To get them to celebrate celebration • To give them tools to condition their minds with powerful thoughts for greater successes in life • To get them to take a vow to do great in their lives and live life with unstoppable passion all through the year: all this culminating into their becoming THE GOAT – Greatest of all time

What will it Accomplish? The benefits

• Completely banish impossibility from your salespeople’s dictionary by firing up their souls for greater achievements• Make them more passionate, alive, more energetic & motivated to over-achieve set targets • Condition them to stop cribbing and complaining, stop waiting for change, and become the best in whatever they do •Provide them strategies & new perspectives on self-management • Give them tools to build confidence, know their hot buttons for confidence • Enhance their self-esteem & help them recharge their batteries! • Give them the passionate power to stop whining and start winning! • Give them new Motivational Energy!!

Length of the program: 3-4 Hrs.

No. of participants: Unlimited

     Become THE GOAT: Greatest Of All Time?

                 • Managing one state and generating more passion and enthusiasm • Conditioning – mentally, emotionally, and physically to create staggering results • Identifying hot buttons for peak performance and unparalleled successes  • Be a showman: give them a show • Beat yesterday • Be a masterpiece: stand out from the crowd, • Be relentless & mad • Master emotions • Raise standards and bust limiting beliefs • Discovering the element of play in one’s life • Power of transformational vocabulary • Create raving fans

Where can it happen?

What will you provide?

What next?

• Right on your premises, rooftop, or garden • Any place where your people can stand and shake a little

• Projector/screen • Speakers• Microphone if the audience is large

Get the training now for your people. Just visualize how they will be to undergo such power pumping motivational program while having fun – which they will never forget in their lives and get the results you want from them.


Rajan, I have attached the profile of Jamal he used to be doing Sales & Motivational Training with us before we decided to focus on the Assessment bit, he has done a great job with frontline guys & it was greatly appreciated by the clients. He has also done some work in your industry. I will personally recommend Jamal & am sure he will enhance the skills of your people as well as inspire them to great heights. I have marked a copy of this mail to Jamal & attached a profile of his, you guys can take this forward from here.

Satyan Menon

MD, Turning Point Training & Assessments

Let me also take this opportunity to inform everyone that we invited Jamal for a motivational talk/sales training at our hotel and we found him just ‘Superb’, he rocked the floor and we all were amazed to see his energy level, he was not only excellent in content but was beyond anybody’s expectations in his energy and passion.  After getting the excellent feedback we shared it with all our staff and now he is doing similar workshops with other hotels as well, he has already done one more workshop with Galaxy hotel, Gurgaon and soon he will be doing it for The Oberoi and The Maidens.

Jamal, we shared with you that our executives have mentioned in their feedback that you are the most energetic person they have ever seen in their life and I personally also think so, during 5 days of the NLP workshop we could not even think that you can be so energetic and impressive.

Thanks a lot and Keep it up.

Deepak Behl

Director – HR, InterContinental Eros and Eros Group

I recall with much excitement the way in which you delivered lectures on motivation in our training sessions arranged for our senior officials. The methodology, style, manner, and contents of your sessions were excellent. In fact, in my 37 years of employment after college studies, I have witnessed for the first time such a wonderful session full of energy, enthusiasm, and thought-provoking messages for senior people working in our Organization.

I would say you have reenergized all those participants who had the opportunity to listen to you. Keep it up so that the aging population can live happily and productively in our Great country.

Looking forward to meeting you in similar sessions in the future and with kind regards,


Executive Director/Principal L.I.C of India, Zonal Training Centre, Western Zone, Akurdi, Pune. Maharashtra.

It gives me immense pleasure to congratulate you on that very captivating training session you had taken for us. As a participant it was the liveliest session I had ever attended in my entire career and more importantly, I could relate it to my profession and experience.

I wish the very best for you and hope we could have more sessions like these in the future.

Pankaj Bhola

Director of Marketing Communications, InterContinental Eros

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